Awesome issue of Panzer Aces: Nº41

5 wonderful models...and my ugly Jagd. English or Spanish text. 64 pages of fun, you´re gonna need something to drink!: 
Panzer Aces nº 41 English order.
Panzer Aces nº 41 Spanish order.

Jagdpanther Late heavy weathered with Ak stuff:

Luciano Rodríguez´s impressive JS-2. The thing gets hot, you better have a drink:

 Really original Panther F by Domingo Hernandez:
Superb T34-76 by Javier Soler:

Jose Luis Lopez explain his B&W technique with this great combo, a Tiger I and a Pz.II. Oops, the beermeter got empty and there is still much fun ahead!

And finally, Pat Johnston´s amazing Hetzer. Enjoy!

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GUEST GALLERY: Ma.k Maschinen Krieger Jerry 1/35 by MARCEL DU LONG.

Back in Sci-Fi with this wonderful work by Marcel du Long based in Kow Yokoyama´s Ma.K universe. Marcel used the Maschinen Krieger "Jerry" kit from Nito along Tamiya´s Austin Tilly and some figures to make an awesome desert scene. I love the composition and the natural poses of the figures. The combination of colours between the ground, Ma.K, vehicle and figures creates a beautiful contrast and the great attention to detail allows us to discover interesting things wherever we look. In short, a small piece of art.
I should build one of these Ma.K things, I love this stuff!
You can watch more of the amazing art of Marcel du Long in his Website and his Facebook:
Marcel du Long´s Pixels & Plastics
Marcel du Long´s Facebook


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The Mig-21 chronicle (2).

Some update on this project. These are the avionics bays next to the cockpit. The only difference with the fin panels detailing is that here I had to build not only the avionics but also the bays. It was not difficult anyway.

I used Verlinden´s Lock On Nº21 and Mig-21 in detail by Wings and Wheels Publications to detail this zone. Terrific books both of them. Maybe I will add some unplugged wires hanging down from the panels...but that would be after painting the fuselage. The frames of the panels need some scratches and weathering but that will be later.

Now I´m trying to fit the Aires cockpit for the Academy kit inside this Eduard model, wish me luck.


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