The "War Machine" work: Eduard 1/48.

OK, almost a year after beginning this project, here are some photos of the finished Eduard´s Mig-21. Apart from the Eduard Brassin for the landing gear and wheel wells I also used the Aires detail set for the cockpit and the electronics boxes behind the cockpit. For the main control panel I used Eduard´s painted photoetched. The ejection seat is CMK´s and the pitot tube is from Master Model. Oh, and some scratch-work, you know...
I used Alclad "white aluminium" and Tamiya "Smoke" to paint and shade the different panels; and AMMO of Mig Jimenez products to make the weathering.
The heavy weathered fuselage gives to the aircraft the operational look I was looking for when I began this mass production war machine.
Here you have the link for this Mig-21 Chronicle

Hope you like it!

Diego Quijano.

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GUEST GALLERY: "Finito Benito next Hiroito" 1/32 by JEROEN VEEN.

It is not usual to see not only a great model but also an original subject. This is what this B-25 is. That´s what I thought the first time I saw this beauty by Jeroen Veen. The model is the HK Models/Wingscale 1/32 kit.
"Finito Benito Next Hirohito" was a B-25J Mitchell assigned to the 12th Bomb Group based in Naples in early 1944. The Group was transferred from the 12th Air Force in the Mediterranean to the 10th Air Force in India in March, 1944. The name reflects the change in Theater assignment. It was painted in red on the upper surfaces of the wings, as opposed to the usual placement on the nose of the airplane.
You can see more of the wonderful models by Jeroen is his Facebook pages:
Jeroen Veen FB
Jeroen Veen's Modeling Hub


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The "Shades of Chaos" work: Tamiya 1/48.

Chaos, destruction, death.  Law of life.  Inexorable natural laws. Order, civilization, progress. Absurd human utopias. Chaos is the state of maximum equilibrium. Leviathan, Fenrir, Kali, The Four Horsemen, always waiting their time. And it always comes.  Man creates and destroys. Order and chaos. The natural versus the human. Human nature.

Caos, destrucción, muerte. Ley de vida. Inexorables leyes naturales. Orden, civilización, progreso. Absurdas utopías humanas. El caos es el estado de máximo equilibrio. Leviatán, Fenrir, Kali, Los cuatro jinetes, siempre esperando su momento. Y siempre llega. El hombre crea y destruye.  Orden y caos. Lo humano contra lo natural. Naturaleza humana.

Diego Quijano.

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GUEST GALLERY: "A Bitter Spring Awakening" 1/35 by KAZUYA YOSHIOKA.

Kazuya san  is one of the most talented diorama modellers in the world, no doubt. He masters the vehicles, figures and nature to recreate impressive scenes with an amazing attention to detail. But beyond the incredible technical skills, he also uses the colours and composition to get an immersive atmosphere that captures the viewer´s attention  at the first sight.
This diorama is the best example of Kazuya´s work. Incredible figures, amazing tanks, wonderful composition and the crude atmosphere of a sorrowful and bitter spring awakening.
If you want to discover Kazuya Yoshioka´s secrets don´t miss his book "The diorama perfection" with an extensive step by step of this diorama.


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The Mig-21 chronicle (7).

Back in business. Eduard´s Brassin landing gear is finally assembled. The end is near...


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